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一直以来,刀、叉、水壶等日常用品根据人们的需求,保持了最初功能和形态。不过,雅典建筑师卡特琳娜·坎普拉尼(Katerina Kamprani)用‘不舒服’的设计带我们重新审视这些日常用品。
For a long time, knife, fork, kettle and other daily necessities, according to the demand of people to keep the original function and form. However, Athens architect catalina, ingvar kamprad, (Katerina Kamprani) with the design of <span data-raw-text="" "="" data-textnode-index="1" data-index="325" class="character" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">"uncomfortable<span data-raw-text="" "="" data-textnode-index="1" data-index="339" class="character" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">" to take us to re-examine the supplies.
Can you imagine if all the daily necessitiesIs it the appearance of the conventional,What will give you the feeling?
Such as ruler is only 1 cm
横着放置的杯把 Place the cup of the sideways 这样的日用品,也许会造成你身体上的不适,但反过来你会发现常规日用品之美。 Such commodities,May cause discomfort in your body,But, in turn, you will find the beauty of regular daily necessities. 雅典建筑师卡特琳娜·坎普拉尼(Katerina Kamprani)原本从事建筑行业,后来她喜欢上了工业设计之后故意设计了一系列不方便日常物品。她的目标是解构简单的日常对象的无形设计语言,并调整其基本属性,以使人们感到惊讶和使人们发笑。同时也可以帮助人们了解与大家周围最简单的对象进行交